Know Top 3 Ways To Identify Lead-Based Paints

“We all use paints in variety of purposes. But before using paints, we should determine its quality. We should also check if there is lead present in the paint or not. Read this article thoroughly to know the ways to identify lead-based paints”.

Are you suspecting lead in your home paint? Do you know how you can identify lead in paint? A professional inspection agency in Kolkata can help you. But you can also perform some quick tests to determine lead in paint. This article will discuss the ways to identify lead-based paint.

During the mid-1900, the use of lead in paint was common. Lead is a toxic metal and poses a severe health risk. In many cities, the use of lead in paint is banned. A professional inspection agency in Kolkata can inspect the presence of lead in color. Apart from that, you can also find lead in paint from the below ways. Let’s know about them.

Recognize Lead Symptoms

One of the most effective ways to identify lead paint is to recognize the symptoms of lead. You are likely to experience these symptoms most when living in an older home. Lead poisoning generally doesn’t come with any single symptoms. These early symptoms include Nausea, Headache, Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, Depression.

Young children are at risk of ingesting lead dust when exposed to lead paint. Other symptoms may include irritability, learning and other behavioral issues.

Sub-Layers Present In Paint

Multiple layers of paint on the wall are also signs of lead present in color. These layers are generally visible in pre-1978 buildings. Removing all these pee paints is tough, so some people get a new color over them. You can also see sub-layers of color underneath the damaged paint. The older the paint will be, the more chances it will be lead-based.

Lead Paint Test Kit

You can buy a lead paint test kit from any home improvement store. These test kits can easily detect the presence of lead and tell you. Before you try it, you should know the familiar places from where you can find lead. The window sill is one of the most common places to find lead-based paint. These tests are generally inexpensive. But this should be your necessity if you have small children in the house.

How to Get Rid of Lead Paint?

If the lead paint in your house isn’t flaking, then the chance of hazard is less. The most effective way to get rid of lead paint is to coat it. But in case the paint is flaking, then the lead particles get mixed in the air. As per professional third party inspection agency, you should act fast when you see a terrible coat. Lead-based paints are toxic and can cause several health hazards. So, it would help if you took care of it.


Hopefully, now you know about the ways to identify lead paint. To avoid lead-based colour, you can also buy products tested by a paints testing laboratory in Kolkata. They look for harmful chemicals and lead in the paint. If the colour is dangerous, they suggest ways to discard it. These agencies help to determine the quality of paints, so buyers can get the best quality as well as safe products for their purpose. Nowadays manufacturers are choosing third party inspection agencies to get assured that the products they are manufacturing meet the quality standards. It helps organizations to maintain their reputation in the market and also helps to build a healthy relationship with their customers. Not only this, the tested products they bring to the market also create a good impact on masses.

Author Bio: Austin, a blogger shares some useful ways to identify lead-based paints. Read his other blogs to know more about third party inspection services.

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