Know the Benefits of Hiring a Registered Migration Agent from Adelaide

Adelaide, the City of Churches, is one of the most beautiful cities in Australia that offers a flurry of opportunities to both locals and international individuals. So, if you have plans to move there for study or work, it can be a life-changing decision. However, moving to a new country means you have to go through several official procedures: getting a visa.

While you can make the visa application on your own, most experts recommend hiring a registered migration agent Adelaide to help you with valuable advice and guidance. This post discusses how a migration professional can assist you in fulfilling your dreams.

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Who Is a Migration Agent?

Before discussing the core of the topic, it is important to know who we call a migration agent. A registered migration agent is a person who helps overseas visa applicants with the best assistance and advice. In Australia, migration agents are registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), which makes them authorized to provide services to their clients.

They can help you at different application stages, including:

  • Completing and fulfilling your visa application
  • Preparing all the required documents
  • Making you understand the dos and don’ts of visa applications.

Australian migration agents can be contacted from anywhere in the world. So, even if you have not moved to Australia by now, you can hire an immigration agent Adelaide to make your visa application stress-free.

What Are the Advantages of Hiring a Registered Migration Agent in Adelaide?

A professional migration agent can offer several benefits, from helping you understand the legal aspects of the Australian migration law to make your visa application stress-free. Let us have a look at all of them.

They Have Expert Legal Knowledge of Migration Law

An Australian visa application process is complex and involves a lot of legal elements. If you are a first-time applicant, you may not completely understand the entire thing. Making assumptions about the legal statements risks submitting an application that does not satisfy all the requirements. It can eventually result in visa rejection.

  • Most migration agents have been working in the industry for many years and are fully aware of everything related to visa applications. They know what documents you must provide and legal requirements and thus can make sure that your application form is filled out correctly.
  • Australia’s migration laws also constantly change, and a migration agent can keep you updated with all new requirements.
  • One thing to note here is that all migration agents in Australia are not lawyers, but they must hold a certificate in Migration Law and have registered with the MARA.

So, if you want to hire someone with more legal knowledge, you can consider hiring a migration lawyer. A crucial benefit of hiring a lawyer is that even if your visa gets rejected, they can help you when you decide to appeal the Department of Home Affairs’ decision in court.

They Can Solve Complex Issues

We have already mentioned that visa application procedures in Australia are complex. Your visa application may become even more complicated. You may fail to figure out why the Department of Home Affairs has cancelled your visa application.

A migration agent is the best person to hire to avoid such situations. They can correctly identify the main reasons and give you crucial advice to make another application successfully.

They Can Save You Time and Reduce Stress

If you think that the visa application process is about completing several forms and submitting a few documents, you will be wrong. It involves something more.

  • To make sure that you submit a complete application, you have to fill in each form with great care, gather as many documents as possible, and stay compliant with all the laws and requirements. In short, the process is time-consuming and can be stressful. But when you hire an experienced migration agent, they can handle the entire procedure with ease.
  • Hiring them also saves you ample time. Visa applications face delays when the Department of Home Affairs asks for additional information from the applicant.
  • A migration agent knows what evidence should be provided for each type of visa and can help you arrange all the documents to make a strong application. It means you can avoid the Department asking you for additional information.

They Have a High Success Rate

The immigration system in Australia is highly strict. A single mistake can lead to visa refusal. In the ongoing migration year (2021-22), more than 8000 student visas got canceled. The most common reasons behind denials include uploading false documents or not providing sufficient information.

When you have an immigration consultant Adelaide at your side, they can make sure that your application has all the required documents before you submit it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that visa application fees are not refunded. So, if the Department of Home Affairs denies your visa application, you will not get your money back. Permanent residency visa applications involve higher costs, and the cancellation of one such application can hurt you.

Not only have that but a visa application refusal also negatively impacted your immigration record. You will not be able to apply for another Australian visa.

When you hire a migration agent, you can ensure visa application success for a decent amount of money.

They Provide Good Support in English

Australia is an English-speaking country, and it requires all immigrants to have a stronghold of the language. So, if you are currently learning English, working with a migration agent can help you a lot. You have to interact with them in English, which will undoubtedly sharpen your skills in the language.


Migration agents can also contact the Department of Home Affairs on your behalf to check if the situation has changed. If there is any delay in the visa processing, they can ask the Department for the reasons.

Finding a migration agent is not a difficult task. Apart from looking into the MARA website, you may also type immigration agent near me on the Google search bar to check whether there is anyone close to you.

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