8 Tips for creating responsive search ads

responsive search ads

If you aren’t using responsive search ads, why add them to your ad group? Google has announced that the expanded text ads will be taken down this year.

This article will briefly explain responsive search ads and their main benefits to prepare you for the change.

Here are 8 tips that will help you create great responsive search ads. To learn more about digital marketing and for any marketing strategy, you can reach us at Digital Specialist.

What is responsive search advertising?

Semi-automated Google Ads semi-automated searches ad called Responsive Search Ads. You can select multiple titles or descriptions and they are automatically tested to determine the most effective combinations.

They can change the title or description of an expanded search ad based on the user’s query. These are the main benefits of responsive search ads:

They save time

You don’t have to create multiple ads for responsive search ads in order to test different combinations.

Machine learning is used in responsive search ads

Google will do the ad copy test for you. Google also has access to more bid signals. Google’s algorithm will try different combinations and then show the most effective ones more often. Although it’s not a comprehensive test, it makes testing easier and more efficient.

Increase the relevancy of ads

There are more options for users to tailor the ads to their specific search intent by using more combinations of headlines or descriptions. This increases click-through and conversion rates, as they see the most relevant ads for their search query.

Increase audience reach with responsive search ads

Ad text with more keywords and headlines will have higher quality. This allows you to participate in more auctions, reach more people and achieve more relevant searches.

8 Tips to Create Great Responsive Search Ads

When creating responsive search ads, don’t settle for less than an “excellent rating”. A lower rating will limit the effectiveness of your ads. This score is sometimes difficult to attain, especially in campaigns that have very few keyword targets. However, these tips will make it much easier.

All fields in the title and description should be used

Make sure to use all the description and title fields. This will give your ads more options and a wider audience to test. You don’t have to put in extra effort to create more ad combinations.

Include your keywords in the ad text.

Expanded Text Ads can be made more relevant by including your specific keywords within the headline fields. Your headline will be the first thing that potential customers see.

Diversify the title and description fields

This is particularly important if your keywords are not very specific. Let’s suppose you have a brand search campaign with only one or two keywords. These tips will help you create more headlines and increase ad relevancy if you feel you don’t have enough copy.

Ads should not over-controlled.

It is certainly a useful feature to pin the most relevant descriptions and titles in responsive search ads to a particular position. The algorithm is limited in the combinations it can make by pining a description or title.

You can make a note of a headline that you want to display in certain positions in your ads. However, don’t try and control every position. Machine learning is one of the biggest benefits of responsive search ads. It tells you which headlines are best and where to place them.

Avoid using too many responsive search ads within the same ad group

Although you don’t have to use RSAs for each ad group you can create multiple RSAs. However, they shouldn’t be identical or very close to one another. Each ad needs to have its unique title and description. You limit the number of combinations that can be optimized.

Extensions can be used in responsive ads

Ad extensions can be used in the same way as expanded text ads.

Use ad customizers

You can use ad customizers to match the search term of a user with keyword insertion. If your ads target, you can add a countdown or a location to the sale promotion.

Use feedback from the ad builder to your advantage

Google offers suggestions to improve the quality and design of responsive ads. Although it may not always give you the most relevant or accurate information, it can often offer good ideas that could be of help to you.

You shouldn’t be concerned about switching from extended text ads to responsive search ads. It is important to update your Google Ads account.

Don’t forget to check other related articles here.

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