5 Step Guide to Better University Meeting Management

Meetings are an important part of university life, but they can often be unproductive and chaotic. However, with a bit of organization and some simple steps, meeting management can be improved. One of the best ways to plan meetings is to do a brainstorming session with all involved. This will allow everyone to think over the purpose of the meeting and brainstorm ideas. It can also help reduce the number of meetings held by reducing the amount of time spent planning each meeting. . Here are five tips to get you started with meeting management in universities.

Set clear objectives for each meeting

Faculty meetings are a necessary part of university life, but they can be time-consuming and inefficient if not managed well. One way to ensure that meetings are productive is to set clear objectives for each meeting. This helps to keep everyone on track and prevents discussions from wandering off topic.

To set objectives for a meeting, start by determining the purpose of the meeting. What needs to be accomplished? Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can create specific objectives that will help to achieve that goal. Be sure to make these objectives clear and concise, so that everyone understands them.

If possible, try to avoid setting too many objectives for a single meeting. This can lead to frustration if not all of them can be achieved. Instead, break larger goals down into smaller tasks that can be tackled during individual meetings. Everyone will be kept focused and stay on track as a result.

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Send out an agenda in advance

Faculty and staff in universities are constantly meeting for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the need for a quick meeting arises and everyone is scrambling to figure out when and where the meeting should be held. This can be easily avoided by sending out an agenda in advance. An agenda can help everyone to be prepared for the meeting, know what will be discussed, and come with any necessary materials.

An agenda should include the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as a list of items that will be discussed. If there are any attachments or handouts that will be referenced during the meeting, those should also be included on the agenda. The goal is for everyone to have all of the information they need before coming to the meeting so that it can run smoothly.

Sending out an agenda in advance is especially important for larger meetings with multiple participants.

Have an effective meeting leader

  1. When leading a meeting, it is important to be organized and have a plan. This will help keep the meeting on track and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak.
  2. It is also important to be assertive and manage the discussion. This means ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate, but also keeping the discussion on track.
  3. Being a good listener is also important. This will help ensure that everyone in attendance feels heard and that the meeting is productive.

Keep to the schedule

One of the most important aspects of meeting management in universities is to keep to the schedule. This is especially important for large meetings with many attendees. If the schedule is not followed, it can lead to confusion and frustration among those in attendance.

It is important to begin the meeting by stating the agenda and then sticking to it. If there are any changes, they should be announced ahead of time. This will help ensure that everyone knows what is happening and when.

If necessary, the chairperson should be prepared to enforce the schedule by keeping people on track. This can be done by asking people to limit their comments or by asking them to wait until later in the meeting to present their ideas.

When it comes to meeting planning, the struggle is real. You have to find a time that works for everyone, make sure there is an available room, and then hope that everyone remembers the meeting. 

This is where Picktime can help. Picktime is a free online meeting scheduler app that makes it easy to schedule meetings and track who is attending. Picktime is also great for universities. professors can use Picktime to manage class meetings and office hours. Students can use Picktime to book appointments with professors or advisors. And campus staff can use Picktime to schedule workshops and events.

Follow up on action items

In order to make sure that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them, meeting minutes should be circulated to all attendees after the meeting. This allows individuals to review what was discussed and follow up on any action items that were assigned. If someone was unable to attend the meeting, they can still read through the minutes and get up to speed. It’s also important to track action items as they are being completed. This helps ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that everyone remains accountable. There are a number of different tools and software programs that can help with this, such as Asana or Trello. If you’re struggling to stay on top of your action items, consider designating someone as the “action item manager.

In conclusion, meeting management is an important part of university life. By following the five simple steps outlined in this article, you can make your meetings run more smoothly and effectively. Remember to be patient and flexible, and always be prepared for the unexpected. And most importantly, have fun!

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